Journal of Bacteriology, Molecular Microbiology, Journal of Molecular Biology, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Journal of Food Protection, mBio, Current Opinion in Microbiology, Biochemical Society Transactions, Molecular Cell, Annual Review of Microbiology, Infection and Immunity, Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, Nucleic Acids Research, Nature Microbiology, Journal of Visualized Experiments, Current Microbiology, mSystems, Nature Medicine, FEMS Pathogens and Disease, Trends in Microbiology, Microbiology, Cell Host and Microbe, bioRxiv,
- Hamm, Christopher W. & Gray, Michael J.. Inorganic polyphosphate and the stringent response coordinately control cell division and cell morphology in Escherichia coli mBio 2024 (), e03511-24
- Meredith, Julia D. & Gray, Michael J.. Genome-wide characterization of hypothiocyanite stress response of Escherichia coli reveals a potential role for RclB and RclC in lowering cell envelope permeability bioRxiv 2024 (),
- Michael J. Gray. The role of metals in hypothiocyanite resistance in Escherichia coli Journal of Bacteriology 2024 (),
- Selene Meza-Perez, Mingyong Liu, Aaron Silva-Sanchez, Casey D. Morrow, Peter G. Eipers, Elliot J. Lefkowitz, Travis Ptacek, Christopher D. Scharer, Alexander F. Rosenberg, Dave D. Hill, Rebecca C. Arend, Michael J. Gray, and Troy D. Randall. Proteobacteria impair anti-tumor immunity in the omentum by consuming arginine Cell Host and Microbe 2024 32(7), 1177-1191.e7
- Marvin Q. Bowlin, Avery D. Lieber, Abagail R. Long and Michael J. Gray. C-terminal Poly-histidine Tags Alter Escherichia coli Polyphosphate Kinase Activity and Susceptibility to Inhibition Journal of Molecular Biology 2024 436(16), 168651
- Julia D. Meredith, Irina Chapman, Kathrin Ulrich, Caitlyn Sebastian, Frederick Stull, and Michael J. Gray. Escherichia coli RclA is a highly active hypothiocyanite reductase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2022 119(30), e2119368119
- Marvin Q. Bowlin, Abagail R. Long, Joshua T. Huffines, & Michael Jeffrey Gray. The role of nitrogen-responsive regulators in controlling inorganic polyphosphate synthesis in Escherichia coli. Microbiology 2022 168(), 001185
- Andreas Konigstorfer, Louisa V. Ashby, Gretchen E. Bollar, Caitlin E. Billiot, Michael J. Gray, Ursula Jakob, Mark B. Hampton, and Christine C. Winterbourn. Induction of the reactive chlorine-responsive transcription factor RclR in Escherichia coli following ingestion by neutrophils. FEMS Pathogens and Disease 2020 79(1),
- Rhea M. Derke, Alexander J. Barron, Caitlin E. Billiot, Ivis F. Chaple, Suzanne E. Lapi, Nichole A. Broderick, Michael J. Gray. The Cu(II) Reductase RclA Protects Escherichia coli against the Combination of Hypochlorous Acid and Intracellular Copper. mBio 2020 11(5), e01905-20
- Gray, Michael J.. Interactions between DksA and stress-responsive alternative sigma factors control inorganic polyphosphate accumulation in Escherichia coli. Journal of Bacteriology 2020 202(14), e00133-20
- Ritam Sinha, Rhiannon M. LeVeque, Marvin Q. Bowlin, Michael J. Gray, Victor J. DiRita. Phosphate Transporter PstSCAB of Campylobacter jejuni Is a Critical Determinant of Lactate-Dependent Growth and Colonization in Chickens. Journal of Bacteriology 2020 202(7), e00716-19
- Singer, J.R., Blosser, E.G., Zindl, C.L. Silberger, D.J., Conlan, S., Laufer, V.A., DiToro, D., Deming, C., Kumar, R., Morrow, C.D., Segre, J.A., Gray, M.J., Randolph, D.A., and Weaver, C.T.. Preventing dysbiosis of the neonatal mouse intestinal microbiome protects against late-onset sepsis. Nature Medicine 2019 25(11), 1772-1782
- Basu Thakur, P., Long, A.R., Nelson, B.J., Kumar, R., Rosenberg, A.F., and Gray, M.J.. Complex Responses to Hydrogen Peroxide and Hypochlorous Acid by the Probiotic Bacterium Lactobacillus reuteri. mSystems 2019 4(5), e00453-19
- Gray, Michael J. Inorganic polyphosphate accumulation in Escherichia coli is regulated by DksA but not by (p)ppGpp. Journal of Bacteriology 2019 201(9), e00664-18
- Arya Pokhrel, Jordan C. Lingo, Frank Wolschendorf, & Michael Gray. Assaying for Inorganic Polyphosphate in Bacteria. Journal of Visualized Experiments 2019 143(), e58818
- Nicholas Yoo, Siddhant Dogra, Ben A. Meinen, Eric Tse, Janine Haefliger, Daniel R. Southworth, Michael J.Gray, Jan-Ulrik Dahl, Ursula Jakob. Polyphosphate Stabilizes Protein Unfolding Intermediates as Soluble Amyloid-like Oligomers. Journal of Molecular Biology 2018 430(21), 4195-4208
- Rudat, A.K., Pokhrel, A., Green, T.J., and Gray, M.J.. Mutations in Escherichia coli polyphosphate kinase that lead to dramatically increased in vivo polyphosphate levels. Journal of Bacteriology 2018 200(6), e00697-17
- Dahl, J.-U., Gray, M.J., Bazopoulou, D., Beaufay, F., Lempart, J., Koenigsknecht, M.J., Wang, Y., Baker, J.R., Hasler, W.L., Sun, D., and Jakob, U. The anti-inflammatory drug mesalamine targets bacterial polyphosphate accumulation. Nature Microbiology 2017 2(), 16267
- Gray, M.J.*, Li, Y.*, Leichert, L.I.O., Xu, Z., and Jakob, U.. Does the Transcription Factor NemR Use a Regulatory Sulfenamide Bond to Sense Bleach? Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 2015 23(9), 747-754
- Dahl JU, Gray MJ, Jakob U. Protein quality control under oxidative stress conditions. Journal of Molecular Biology 2015 427(7), 1549-63
- Gray MJ, Jakob U. Oxidative stress protection by polyphosphate--new roles for an old player. Current Opinion in Microbiology 2015 24(), 6-Jan
- Knoefler D, Leichert LI, Thamsen M, Cremers CM, Reichmann D, Gray MJ, Wholey WY, Jakob U. About the dangers, costs and benefits of living an aerobic lifestyle. Biochemical Society Transactions 2014 42(4), 917-21
- Gray MJ, Wholey WY, Wagner NO, Cremers CM, Mueller-Schickert A, Hock NT, Krieger AG, Smith EM, Bender RA, Bardwell JC, Jakob U. Polyphosphate is a primordial chaperone. Molecular Cell 2014 53(5), 689-99
- Parker BW, Schwessinger EA, Jakob U, Gray MJ. The RclR protein is a reactive chlorine-specific transcription factor in Escherichia coli. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2013 288(45), 32574-84
- Gray MJ, Wholey WY, Jakob U. Bacterial responses to reactive chlorine species. Annual Review of Microbiology 2013 67(), 141-60
- Gray MJ, Wholey WY, Parker BW, Kim M, Jakob U. NemR is a bleach-sensing transcription factor. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2013 288(19), 13789-98
- Gray MJ, Escalante-Semerena JC. The cobinamide amidohydrolase (cobyric acid-forming) CbiZ enzyme: a critical activity of the cobamide remodelling system of Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Molecular Microbiology 2009 74(5), 1198-210
- Gray MJ, Escalante-Semerena JC. In vivo analysis of cobinamide salvaging in Rhodobacter sphaeroides strain 2.4.1. Journal of Bacteriology 2009 191(12), 3842-51
- Gray MJ, Escalante-Semerena JC. Single-enzyme conversion of FMNH2 to 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole, the lower ligand of B12. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2007 104(8), 2921-6
- Gray MJ, Zadoks RN, Fortes ED, Dogan B, Cai S, Chen Y, Scott VN, Gombas DE, Boor KJ, Wiedmann M. Listeria monocytogenes isolates from foods and humans form distinct but overlapping populations. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2004 70(10), 5833-41
- Sasahara KC, Gray MJ, Shin SJ, Boor KJ. Detection of viable Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis using luciferase reporter systems. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 2004 1(4), 258-66
- Ferreira, A., Gray, M., Wiedmann, M. and Boor, K.J.. Comparative genomic analysis of the sigB operon in Listeria monocytogenes and in other Gram-positive bacteria. Current Microbiology 2004 48(1), 39-46