Gray Lab

Michael Gray, PhD

Contact Information


UAB Department of Microbiology
654 Bevill Biomedical Research Building
845 19th St. South
Birmingham, AL 35294

Tel: (205) 934-6293



Ph.D. Microbiology; University of Wisconsin – Madison, Madison, WI, 2010.
Thesis – Synthesis, remodeling, and salvaging of the lower ligand of coenzyme B12.
M.S. Food Science; University of California – Davis, Davis, CA, 2001.
Thesis - The NarX histidine kinase of Escherichia coli; the central domain and ligand-responsive autophosphorylation.
B.S. Food Science; Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1999.

Lab Publications

See the lab publications page.

Dr. Gray's Bacterial Genetics and Physiology course packet is available here.

Curriculum Vitae

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UAB Department of Microbiology
654 Bevill Biomedical Research Building
1720 2nd Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35294

Contact Info